Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Point of Knowledge

The point of knowledge is to lead us somewhere . . .
Humor me for a minute and think about what I am going to say . . .

Adonai told Joshua this; "Meditate on this word day and night and be careful to do ALL that is written in it. Then you shall make your way prosperous and you will have Good Success!" That thought is repeated all throughout the Bible.

The point of all that is; the Word of God, our source of knowledge, is to LEAD us to The Way the Truth and the Life, Yeshua/Jesus, who tore down the dividing wall between us and God . . .

He took all of God's wrath, toward us, upon Himself! There is nothing keeping me, or you, out a the Throne Room of God anymore! I can come boldly to Him through the Blood of Christ, TO GET HELP WHEN I NEED IT. I do so by Faith. You can too!

Trust and belief in the the promises of God are what brings the promises of God to our lives. Not trying to earn them.

Remember, our best deeds are still not good enough. In fact He says, 'Our best deeds are as filthy menstrual rags." We can't earn what we can't earn! It comes through the blood of Christ.

God's Grace. (UNMERITED FAVOR), is made real in my life by my Faith, not by my works! My works are just evidence of His presence and Grace in me.
We are made worthy in God's sight because of the obedience of one man, Jesus Christ. Not our 'goodness.'

Why, because according to the Bible we have none. The only thing good in me, is Jesus. period.

Jesus Himself said, "I tell you, you can pray for ANYTHING, and if you BELIEVE, that you have already RECEIVED it, 'IT' . . . will be YOURS! Mark 11:24

What are some things we might need to ask for?
What does 'Anything' mean? 

What does Believe mean?
What does 'Already Received' mean?
What does 'It Will be Yours mean?

MEDITATE on that day and night and see what conclusions you come up with.

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