Monday, September 15, 2014

Human Nature vs God's Nature

Scorn : a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval.
Harsh criticism that shows a lack of respect or approval for someone or something
Scornful : being full of it – scorn I mean
Important question . . . Am I full of scorn (human Nature), or am I full of Love, (God's nature), towards anyone, including myself?

Which should I be full of and how do I get there?

“A scorner does not like being corrected. He wont go to the wise for advice.”
Proverbs – 15:12

Pic - a new magazine for those of us who want to be proficient at scorn .. .

(The approved book for learning to be Love full is the Bible.
So how come we who say we read and understand the Bible are so often times filled with scorn . . . ? Answer Human nature at work and not God's nature at work.)

The approved book for experiencing being Love full is the Bible.
( So how come we who that say we read and understand the Bible are so often times filled with scorn . . . ? Answer: Human Nature

Love full is to experience being full of the nature of God, He is:
Patient, kind, never jealous, not boastful, rude or selfish, not easily angered.
Does not gloat over peoples sins, keeps no record of wrongs. He takes delight in the Truth, He always bears up, always trusts, always hopes, always endures and there is no end to the fullness of His love and nothing can separate us from His Love. (see 1 Corinthians 13 & Romans 8).

A good way to measure how full our tank is and what it is full of, isn't it?

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